Our company loves to get international orders, and we already have an enormous list of customers from every corner of the world. We have made it just as easy for international customers to order as someone ordering from here in our home country. Go online, look at the product catalogue and choose what you want, add them to your basket and then complete your order online. If you have any problems, please let us know and we can take a manual order from you.
Unlike some of our competitors, who charge large handling fees for overseas orders, we do NOT charge any additional fees, whether it is for a complete hair system or just some extra tape. You can be assured that you will only pay the actual international shipping cost for your order. Our company policy is to make sure that overseas customers feel just as welcomed as our local customers. We have designed the shipping fees section of our shopping cart to automatically calculate the DHL shipping costs, based on the weight of your order, so all you need to do is add the items you want to buy into the cart, and based on where you live, the system calculates the cost with ZERO handling fees. If for any reason the shipping cost is not worked out, or if you have any questions, please contact us and we will happily calculate it for you.
We have had occasions when people paying by credit card have not been able to get their order processed due to issues with the system not being able to match the billing address to your location. If you are told that your transaction has been declined for any reason, please contact us and we will help you to complete the transaction.
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